My flight here, I had a small 21-month-old child pulling my dreads and grabbing my stuff the entire time. Then, on my $60 cab ride, the cab driver hit on me the entire time. When I finally arrived at the venue, I was mostly too moody and tired to have a lot of fun. But I danced a little towards the end of the night.
Stumbling home, laughing, 4 of us. Silence and loneliness in bed, missing my lover. A blip of catharsis, methadone to my heroin. Waking up from vivid dreams, twitching. We got up at 8:30 to go get free breakfast, and crawled back into bed. I am sleeping on a pull-out couch in a room with a couple of the girls.
We got out of the room by about 2, wandered around hunting for poutine. We went to a bunch of army surplus stores too. I saw a friend of ours wearing an awesome skirt, and got the name of the store she got it from, and went to buy the exact same one. But I got a fantastic sweater, too.
Last night at the party was pretty frickin' awesome. I danced my pants off to Soman, and got some thrashing in to God Module and Grendel and Accessory. Wandered off for a while to get pizza with Scott and Chris.
Anyways, we are off to go shopping. :D yay :D